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Image / Mrs. John Paton, Mrs. E.R. Capstaff, and Mrs. Frederick Sedding…

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Mrs. John Paton, Mrs. E.R. Capstaff, and Mrs. Frederick Sedding preparing for benefit, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
September 10, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
This photograph appears with the article, "They'll Direct British Home Benefit." Los Angeles Times 20 Sept. 1935.
View of Mrs. John Paton, standing left, next to U.S. flag and behind table, in dress and holding strip of lace, Ethel Capstaff, seated middle, behind table, in dress and holding strip of lace, Mrs. Frederick Sedding, standing right, behind table. These women were in charge of arranging the National Society of Daughters of the British Empire's benefit at the Ebell Club to support the British Old Peoples' Home in the Sierra Madre Mountains.
Text from negative sleeve: 2085, Mrs John Paton, Mrs E.R. Capstaff, Mrs Frederick Seddings, Soc, 9-10-35, [stamped:] Sep 18 1935
Handwritten on negative: L-R, Mrs John Paton, Mrs E.R. Capstaff, Mrs Frederick Seddings, 9-10-35
Text from newspaper caption: Mmes. John Paton, assistant hostess; E.R. Capstaff, regent of Florence Nightingale Chapter, and Frederick Sedding, president of the British Old Folks Home in Sierra Madre Mountains, will assist at the gala bazaar, luncheon and tea at Ebell Club today. More than 500 guests from all parts of the State will attend the party in the banquet hall and gardens of the clubhouse which will be under auspices of the Daughters of the British Empire.
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Fund raising--California--Los Angeles
Charitable organizations--California--Los Angeles
Paton, John, Mrs
National Society Daughters of the British Empire in the United States of America
Sedding, Frederick, Mrs
Capstaff, Ethel R., 1887-1970
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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