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Image / Shooting victim Golda Draper visited by Judge Chambers and…

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Shooting victim Golda Draper visited by Judge Chambers and others, Los Angeles, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
September 23, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A court session was held in Good Samaritan Hospital at the bedside of Golda Draper, the waitress who was shot through her back at a café on West Jefferson Street by attorney Donald A. Rothrock, who fired on the waitress because of a perceived slight in service he had received two days prior to the shooting.
Rothrock, Alexander, Gambord, and Judge Chambers stand on one side of the bed where Golda Draper lies.
Photograph appears with the article, "Lawyer Must Face Trial For Restaurant Shooting," Los Angeles Times, 24 Sep 1935: A1.
Text from negative sleeve: 2369 - Donald Rothrock Adolph Alexander Terrys Gambord Judge Joseph Chambers Golda Draper (Bedside Court) 9-23-35 [stamped:] Oct 3- 1935
Text from newspaper caption: Golda Draper, restaurant shooting affray victim, was unable to attend court yesterday and Municipal Judge Chambers conducted a hearing at her hospital bedside. Photo shows Donald A. Rothrock, left, attorney, held on assault charge, his counsel, Adolph Alexander, Dep. Dist.-Atty. Gombard, Judge Chambers and Miss Draper.
Handwritten on negative: L2R Donald Rothrock x Adolph Alexander Dep DA Terrys Gambosd Judge Joe Chambers x Golda Draper 9-23-35
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Victims of crimes--California--Los Angeles
Judges--California--Los Angeles
Judicial proceedings--California--Los Angeles
Waitresses--California--Los Angeles
Lawyers--California--Los Angeles
Gambord, Terrys, b. 1913
Alexander, Adolph, b. 1906 or 07-1993
Draper, Golda, b. 1912 or 13
Chambers, Joseph Fleischman, 1862-1956
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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