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Image / Aircraft industrialist Donald W. Douglas speaks at City Hall on Navy Day, …

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Aircraft industrialist Donald W. Douglas speaks at City Hall on Navy Day, Los Angeles, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
October 28, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Donald Wills Douglas, aircraft industrialist and founder of Douglas Aircraft Company, speaks at the podium at the City Hall steps on the 200 North Spring Street entrance. Patriotic decor frame the surrounding stage. Also in view, the column and arches which make up the facade to the Spring Street entrance of City Hall. Douglas spoke on the needed focus of naval aircraft technology. The event celebrated the importance of American naval forces on Navy Day, October 27th, a day which commemorated the establishment of the American Navy in 1775. (Navy Day is no longer observed as it was absorbed into Armed Forces Day.) The 2000 spectators listened not only to notable speeches extolling the navy at City Hall, but also witnessed a band concert and the aerial feats of naval airplanes flying overhead. Commemorations also occured in Los Angeles Harbor, Long Beach Naval Reserve Airport, and elsewhere in the Southland.
Related to the article, "All Southland Joins Navy Day Celebration: America's Sea Force Needs Stressed in Program on City Hall Steps; Fleet Holds Open House." Los Angeles Times, 29 Oct. 1935.
Handwritten on nitrate negative: Donald W. Douglas, 10-28-35
Text from newspaper caption: Nation Joins Sea Fighters in Celebrating Birthday of United States Navy: Tells Navy's Needs, Donald W. Douglas, aircraft builder, was one of the speakers at the City Hall Navy Day observance. He decried efforts of certain pacifistic elements to oppose building of strong navy. ["All Southland Joins Navy Day Celebration: America's Sea Force Needs Stressed in Program on City Hall Steps; Fleet Holds Open House," Los Angeles Times, October 29, 1935]
Text from nitrate negative sleeve: 2620-- Mayor Frank L. Shaw, Judge Marshall McComb, Admiral W.T. Cluverius, Donald W. Douglas, Navy Day Celebration on steps of City Hall, 10-28-35, [STAMPED:] OCT 29 1935
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Commemorations--California--Los Angeles
Armed Forces Day--United States
Military officers--American--California--Los Angeles
Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, Calif.)
United States. Navy
Douglas, Donald W. (Donald Wills), 1892-1981
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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