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Image / Mrs. Herbert Hoover with philanthropists Mrs. Chester Ashley, Mrs…

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Mrs. Herbert Hoover with philanthropists Mrs. Chester Ashley, Mrs. Sumuel C. Dunlap and Mrs. Marcus C. Sloss at Ebell Club, Los Angeles, 1934
Date Created and/or Issued
Sep 24, 1934
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Standalone photograph with the title: "They're Four Energetic Champions of Charity Drive," related to the article, "Mrs. Herbert Hoover Lauds Activity of Community Chest at Club Luncheon -- Girl Scout Work Told at Meeting -- California Held More Charitable Than Other States," Los Angeles Times, 25 Sep. 1934: A6.
Photograph of philanthropists and activists who gathered at the Ebell Club of Los Angeles ()located at 743 S. Lucerne Blvd.) for a Community Chest rally luncheon. Mrs. Herbert Hoover and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt [not present] were honored. Mrs. Roosevelt was represented by Mrs. Marcus C. Sloss, national vice-chairman of the Women's Crusade. Also in the picture are Mrs. Chester Ashley, chairman of the women's club co-operation and Mrs. Samuel Cary Dunlap, president of the Ebell club.
Text from newspaper caption: Mrs. chester Ashley, chariman of women's club co-operation; Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Mrs. Samuel Cary Dunlap, president of Ebell Club and Mrs. M. C. Sloss of San Francisco, natinoal vice-chairman of the Women's Crusade, who represented Mrs. Frankin D. Roosevelt, gathered at the Ebell Club luncheon table yesterday to help in the cmpaign for the Community Chest. Several hundred clubwomen, representing the major organizations of the city, honored Mrs. Hoover, the guest speaker.
Text on negative sleeve: Hoover, Herbert, x
Handwritten on negative: L to R Mrs. Chester Ashley, Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Mrs. Samuel C. Dunlap, Mrs. Marcus C. Sloss
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Clubhouses--California--Los Angeles
Presidents' spouses--United States
Clubwomen--California--Los Angeles
Philanthropists--California--Los Angeles
Ashley, Grace B., 1874-1962
Dunlap, Anna May, 1877-1967
Sloss, Hattie Hecht
Ebell Club of Los Angeles
Hoover, Lou Henry, 1874-1944
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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