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Image / Mrs. Mary V. Squires with her children in a Small Claims court, …

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Mrs. Mary V. Squires with her children in a Small Claims court, Los Angeles, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
Aug 9, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of Mary V Squires [incorrectly reported as Ola Marie Squires] of Houston, Texas, with her children, Mary Twombly Squires [incorrectly reported as Maria Tom] and Royal Squires at a Small Claims court, where Mrs. Squires sued for damages against the car. The children play with toy cars as their mother looks on.
Photograph published under caption, "Court's Just Place to Play," with article, "Stored Car Grew Worn, Says Claim," Los Angeles Times, 10 Aug. 1935: A1.
Text on negative sleeve: 1562 - Aug 14, 1935; L to R, Royal Squires - 6 yr, Mrs. Ola Marie Squire, Marie Tom Squire - 11 yr, 8/9/35; Pictures in small claims court where Mrs. Ola Marie Squrie is suing for damage to her car.
Handwritten on negative: [bottom] Mrs. Ola Marie Squire, [right] Marie Tom Squires, [left] Royal Squires
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Actions and defenses--California--Los Angeles
Children--California--Los Angeles
Mothers and daughters
Mothers and sons
Squires, Mary Viola, 1904-1975
Squires, Royal Jack., 1928 or 1929
Squires, Mary Twombly, b. 1925 or 1926
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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