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/ Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis literis diversorum morborum genera & remedia persecuti …

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Medici antiqui omnes qui latinis literis diversorum morborum genera & remedia persecuti sunt, undique conquisiti, & uno volumine comprehensi, ut eorum, qui se medicinae studio dediderunt, commodo consulatur
Date Created and/or Issued
MDXLVII [1547]
Publication Information
Venetiis : [Apud Aldi filios]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine and Early Italian Collection
Rights Information
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Older stiff vellum binding. Extensively annotated by two previous owners: Nicolas de Nancel, in preparation for a new edition (never published); and Michel de la Vigne, physician to Louis XIII, whose ownership inscription, dated 1615, appears on t.p. De la Vigne's copious annotations in the work expand and comment on those of Nancel. For a detailed investigation of the reading, writing, and editorial practice of Nancel, including background on Nancel's annotations in UCLA's copy of Medici antiqui omnes, see Sharratt. See also a 3-page summary of his research on Nancel by history of science bookdealer Jeremy Norman available in Special Collections. Bookplated in honor of Lee Walcott, in recognition of his support of the Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine Collection. In modern beige cloth-covered clamshell box, with brown leather spine; gold-stamped box title "Medici antiqui omnes. In honor of Lee Walcott...." Purchase, Jeremy Norman, 2006.
Venetiis : [Apud Aldi filios], MDXLVII [1547].Printer from colophon, which reads: "Apud Aldi filios, Venetiis, MDXLVII." Signatures: *-**⁶ a⁸ ²*² b-h⁸ i⁶ k¹⁰ l-z⁸ A-Q⁸ R⁶. Woodcuts: Aldine anchor-and-dolphin device on t.p. and verso of final leaf; historiated initials. Text printed in small roman type; spaces left for capitals, with guide letters. Includes index: "Herbarum et remediorum, de quibus in hisce libris medicis tractatur, plenissimus index."
Aurelii Cornelii Celsi artium liber sextus, idem medicinae liber primus -- Quinti Sereni medicina -- Trotulae curandarum aegritudinum muliebrium, ante, in, et post partum liber unicus .... -- Marcelli de medicamentis -- Scribonii Largi, medici vetustissimi de compositione medicamentorum liber -- Sorani Ephesii isagoges in artem medendi -- C. Plinii Secundi in libros de re medica -- L. Apuleii Madaurensis, philosophi platonici de herbarum virtutibus historia ... -- Libellus utilissimus de betonica quem Antonio Musae quidam, nonnulli Apuleio adscribendum autumant -- Aemilius Macer de herbarum virtutibus, cum Ioannis Atrociani commentariis longe utilissimis -- Strabi Galli hortulus -- Caelii Aureliani Siccensis in quinque libros -- Theodori Prisciani rerum medicarum lib. quat.

* Z 233 A4 M468 1547 c.2
Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine Collection
Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine and Early Italian Collection

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