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Image / Marion and Buron Fitts at perjury trial, Los Angeles, 1936

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Marion and Buron Fitts at perjury trial, Los Angeles, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
February 7, 1936
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
On February 7, 1936, District Attorney Buron Fitts was acquitted of perjury regarding a 1931 testimony over the sale of a Claremont orange grove. Mrs. Berthall Gregory, Fitts’ sister, sold the grove to Lucien C. Wheeler. Fitts reportedly falsified the amount of money he received through the sale. The perjury trial lasted three weeks.
Marion Fitts leans over Buron Fitts with her hand on his side. Adell Fitts stands in the background, partially obscured. Fitts' sister, Berthall Gregory, sits on the far right.
Handwritten on negative: Buron + Mrs Fitts 2-7-36
Text from negative sleeve: 3268 --- 2/11/36 Buron Fitts, Mrs Buron Fitts, Jerry Geisler, W M Simpson, Bobby “, Mrs W M “, Roy Keane, Mrs Chas Phillips, Fits Jury Comes in with verdict 2-7-36
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Courtrooms--California--Los Angeles
Spouses--California--Los Angeles
Judicial proceedings--California--Los Angeles
Lawyers--California--Los Angeles
Fitts, Buron, 1895-1973
Fitts, Marion, 1893-1985
Gregory, Berthal, 1896-1982
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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