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Image / C. D. Hamilton, Mayor Will Fowler, Jessie Reynolds, Harry Hopkins, E. Q. …

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C. D. Hamilton, Mayor Will Fowler, Jessie Reynolds, Harry Hopkins, E. Q. Sullivan, Earl Lee Kelly and an unidentified man at a ribbon cutting ceremony, Redlands, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
January 21, 1936
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
The previous Highway 99 was incredibly crooked, but thanks to the new Central-avenue link railroad crossings, crooks and turns, traffic and cross streets on the highway throughout the city, which will speed up transcontinental traffic.
Photograph appears with the article, "New Route Now Direct," Los Angeles Times, 10 Jan 1936: 10.
The men stand on either side of Miss Reynolds as she uses a small pair of scissors to cut the ribbon that is being held by two people who stand out of the camera's frame.
Text from newspaper caption: State, county, city and civic leaders are shown at Redlands yesterday when important link on Highway 99 was formally opened. Left to right, C. D. Hamilton, new member of State Highway Commission; Mayor Will Fowler of Redlands; Jessie Reynolds, secretary of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce; Harry Hopkins, chairman of the highway commission; E. Q. Sullivan, State engineer, and Earl Lee Kelly, director of Public Works Department.
Text from negative sleeve: 3284 L. to R. C. D. Hamilton, of State Highway Commission, Mayor Will Fowler Jessie Reynolds, sec of Chamber of Commerce, Harry Hopkins, Chairman of Highway Commission E. Q. Sullivan, State Engineer. Earl Lee Kelly, Director of Public works Dept. open new Link of hiway 99 in Redlands 1-10-36 [stamped:] Jan 21 1936
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Government officials--American--California--Redlands
Scissors and shears
Chambers of commerce--California--Redlands
Rites & ceremonies--California--Redlands
Sullivan, Edwin Q., b. 1888
Hamilton, C. D
Fowler, Will, (Mayor)
Hopkins, Harry, (Chairman)
Kelly, Earl Lee, b. 1893
Reynolds, Jessie, b. 1896 or 1902
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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