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Image / Clara Phillips, accused murderer, photographed on film set, Los…

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Clara Phillips, accused murderer, photographed on film set, Los Angeles, 1922
Date Created and/or Issued
July 14, 1922
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Clara Phillips, (2nd from right seated) is group photograph taken on the set of a movie.
Clara Phillips, 28, murdered Alberta Meadows, 19, on July12, 1922. Philips believed Meadows was having an affair with Philips' husband. She was convicted of the murder and sent to San Quentin Prison. Phillips was paroled in 1935.
This photograph appears with the article, “Accused Woman Appeared on Local Revue Stage and as Bathing Beauty in Films: ACCUSED .. GIRL .. ONCE .. FILM .. ACTRESS; Beauty Earned Envy of Her Associates," Los Angeles Times, 15 Jul. 1922: I5.
Text from newspaper caption: Was Santa Monica Bathing Girl. Mrs. Clara Phillips, held on an indictment for murder, is shown in this group of film players and bathing girls seated second from the right. Mrs. Phillips's figure is that with a man's hand on her shoulder. Wycliff Hill is the man in the center with the checked cap."
Text from negative sleeve, Philips (sic), Clara
b&w nitrate negative
Homicides--California--Los Angeles
Hill, Wycliffe Aber, b. 1883
Phillips, Clara, 1894-1969
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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