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Image / Harold Roberts and his new wife, Alice Ann Healy Roberts on their …

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Harold Roberts and his new wife, Alice Ann Healy Roberts on their wedding day at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, 1926
Date Created and/or Issued
March 1, 1926
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
This photograph appears with the article, "Popular Bandmaster Marries: Ceremony in Ambassador India Room," Los Angeles Times, 2 Mar. 1926: A12.
Harold Roberts and his new wife, Alice Ann Healy Roberts on their wedding day. Behind them a floral tapestry hangs from the ceiling flanked by candelabras and plants. Mrs. Roberts holds a bouquet and wears a 20s style wedding dress complete with floor-length veil and beaded headpiece. On the ground, rice appears to be scattered around.
Text from negative sleeve: Roberts, Harold & Mrs.
Handwritten on negative: Mr + Mrs. Harold Roberts
b&w nitrate negative
Weddings--California--Los Angeles
Ambassador Hotel
Roberts, Alice Ann Healy, 1905-1987
Roberts, Harold W., 1902-1958
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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