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Image / Ena Gregory, Australian actress, in court for divorce proceedings…

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Ena Gregory, Australian actress, in court for divorce proceedings, Los Angeles, 1935
Date Created and/or Issued
January 3, 1935
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A similar photograph taken on the same occasion appears with the article "Wife Asks Rogell Pay. Estranged Spouse Cites His Liquor Account in Fight for Alimony." Los Angeles Times 4 Jan. 1935: A8. Caption: Ena Gregory Rogell, former actress, who retained $300-a-month alimony awards from her director-husband when she proved he had the money by showing how much he was spending on liquor.
Ena Gregory appeared under name of Marian Douglas in movies from 1928 to 1931.
Ena Gregory, Australian actress, in court for proceedings for her divorce from film director Alfred Rogell. Gregory is seated, resting her chin on her hands.
Handwritten on negative: Ena Gregory Rogell
Text from negative sleeve: Rogell, Ena Gregory. Actress.
b&w nitrate negative
Divorce--California--Los Angeles
Actresses--Australian--California--Los Angeles
Gregory, Ena 1906-1993
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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