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Image / Frank Shaw, Florencio Avila Sanchez, James Davis and Ricardo Hill…

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Frank Shaw, Florencio Avila Sanchez, James Davis and Ricardo Hill meet in Shaw's office to discuss a radio broadcast by President Cardenas of Mexico, Los Angeles, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
January 7, 1936
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of Frank Shaw (mayor of Los Angeles), Florencio Avila Sanchez (representative of the Mexican Senate), James Davis (Chief of Police) and Ricardo Hill (Mexican Consul) meet in Shaw's office to discuss a radio broadcast by President Cardenas of Mexico.
Occasion reported in this article with a similar photograph, "Cardenas to Radio Talk Mexican Colony Here," Los Angeles Times, 8 Jan. 1936: A1.
Text from negative sleeve: 3141. James E. Davis, Mayor Shaw, Florencio Avila Sanchez, Ricardo Hill. Meet mayor. 1-7-36.
Handwritten on negative: Top L to R: James E. Davis, Ricardo Hill. Bottom L to R: Mayor Shaw, Florencio Avila Sanchez. 1-7-36.
b&w nitrate negative
Consuls--Mexican--California--Los Angeles
Police--California--Los Angeles
Mayors--California--Los Angeles
Shaw, Frank L., 1877-1958
Hill, Ricardo G. (Ricardo Guillermo), b. 1903 or 04
Sanchez, Florencio Avila
Davis, James E. (James Edgar), 1889-1949
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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