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Image / William Edward Hickman in custody with Deputy Sheriff Claude…

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William Edward Hickman in custody with Deputy Sheriff Claude Peters, Assistant Jailer Roy Bogle and Jailer Frank Dewar, Los Angeles, 1928
Date Created and/or Issued
[January 1928]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Hickman's trial began January 25, 1928 and lasted 13 days. He was executed at San Quentin, October 19, 1928.
Photograph of William Edward Hickman, charged with the kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old Marion Parker, in handcuffs, surrounded by (l to r:) Deputy Sheriff Claude Peters, Assistant Jailer Roy Bogle and Jailer Frank Dewar. An additional officer is obscured by Dewar. They stand outside of a jail cell at the Los Angeles county jail. A January 1928 calendar hangs opposite a directive painted on the tiled wall. It reads: "Notice. Attorneys - bondsman and others having business in attorney room must not stand around and obstruct the officers view of prisoners. Place your order for your client and then take a seat at the vising table."
Text from negative sleeve: Hickman kidnapping case. 1927.
b&w nitrate negative
Kidnappings--California--Los Angeles
Law enforcement officers--California--Los Angeles
Homicides--California--Los Angeles
Criminals--California--Los Angeles
Dewar, Frank Duncan, 1883 or 84-1932
Hickman, William Edward, 1908-1928
Peters, Claude P., 1894-1974
Bogle, Roy
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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