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Image / Reporters Carlton Williams, Jackson Berger, William Phillips and…

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Reporters Carlton Williams, Jackson Berger, William Phillips and other before their flight to Oregon to cover the William Edward Hickman extradition, Los Angeles, 1927
Date Created and/or Issued
December 23, 1927
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A different photograph taken on the same occasion appears as a standalone photo with title, "Plane Speed 'Times' Men to Cell of Kidnaper," 23 Dec. 1927: 5.
Photograph of Times staff editors Carlton Williams and Jackson Berger (standing at center) with William Phillips, photographer for P. and A. Photos (far right), standing in front of a monoplane with an unidentified man. A pilot can be seen seated inside of the plane. The men were photographed before their flight to Pendleton, Oregon, to cover the capture and extradition of William Edward Hickman who confessed to the kidnap and murder of 12-year old Marion Parker. Hickman was later sentenced to death after a 13-day trial. He was executed at San Quentin, October 19, 1928.
Handwritten on negative: [Top:] Jack Berger Bedlow Charles Williams [right side:] William Phillips
Text from negative sleeve: Hickman, William Edward.
b&w nitrate negative
Photographers--California--Los Angeles
Newspaper editors--American--California--Los Angeles
Homicides--California--Los Angeles
Kidnappings--California--Los Angeles
Williams, Carlton E., 1896 - 1971
Phillips, William
Parker, Marion, 1915-1927
Hickman, William Edward, 1908-1928
Berger, Charles Jackson, 1899 - 1968
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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