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Image / John C. Porter, Frank Merriam, Harry Chandler, James Rolph, and…

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John C. Porter, Frank Merriam, Harry Chandler, James Rolph, and Charles Curtis at a Biltmore Hotel banquet, Los Angeles, 1932-1934
Date Created and/or Issued
[July 29, 1932]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
At the Tenth Olympiad banquet at the Biltmore, John C. Porter (Mayor of Los Angeles), Frank Merriam (Lieutenant Governor 1932-1934), Harry Chandler, James Rolph (Governor of California 1931-1934), 1 unidentified man, Adolph Schleicher (President of the Chamber of Commerce), Charles Curtis (Vice President 1929-1933) and others seated on one side of a banquet table in the Biltmore Hotel ballroom.
Text from negative sleeve: Porter, John C.
Handwritten on negative: John C. Porter, Lt. gov. Merriam, Harry C. Chandler, James Rolph, A. Schleicher, Chas. Curtis
b&w nitrate negative
Governors--American--California--Los Angeles
Banquets--California--Los Angeles
Vice-Presidents--United States
Mayors--California--Los Angeles
Olympic Games (10th : 1932 : Los Angeles, Calif.)
Biltmore Hotel (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Merriam, Frank Finley, 1865-1955
Rolph, James, 1869-1934
Chandler, Harry, 1864-1944
Porter, John C. (John Clinton), 1871-1959
Curtis, Charles, 1860-1936
Schleicher, Adolph B. (Adolph Burgess), 1877-1960
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection
OpenUCLA Collections

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