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Image / State Senator Alan Robbins with Howard Jarvis during a news…

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State Senator Alan Robbins with Howard Jarvis during a news conference to promote Robbins' antibusing measure Prop. 1, 1979
Date Created and/or Issued
[October 25, 1979]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
This photograph was taken at the Ambassador Hotel which was demolished in 2005-2006 and was replaced by a public school complex.
Proposition 1; Prop. 1; School Assignment and Transportation of Students; November 6, 1979 ballot proposition
This photograph appears with the article "Jarvis Criticizes Proposition 4 in Surprise Move." Los Angeles Times, 26 Oct. 1979: B3.
Text from negative sleeve: Alan Robbins, Howard Jarvis
Text from newspaper caption: Sen. Alan Robbins, left, with Howard Jarvis, who endorsed Robbins' antibusing measure.
Text from negative sleeve: l - r Senator Allan [Alan] Robbins and Howard Jarvis during news conference where Jarvis announced his support for prop. I [1].
b&w negative
No linguistic content
Press conferences--California--Los Angeles
Busing (School integration)--California
Robbins, Alan, 1943-
Jarvis, Howard
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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