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Image / Women's Breakfast Club Mrs. Donald Jennings, Mab Copland…

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Women's Breakfast Club Mrs. Donald Jennings, Mab Copland Lineman, and Viola Dinsmore, Los Angeles, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
January 31, 1936
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph appears with the headline, "Dynamic Clubwomen Take Posts," Los Angeles Times, 30 Jan 1936: A6.
Mrs. Donald Jennings was Genevieve Greenman Jennings.
Mrs. Lineman stands between a seated Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Dinsmore, in front of a table covered with plates and dining ware. The women smile and laugh.
Mmes. Donald Jennings, first vice-president; Mab Copland Lineman, re-elected president, and Viola Dinsmore were installed at the annual meeting of the Women's Breakfast Club, when several hundred members and guests attended the "Mexican program of good will," presented by Mrs. Mortimer Davis.
Text from negative sleeve: 3499 - Women's Breakfast Club Mrs. Donald Jennings, first vice-president Mrs. Mab Copland Lineman, president Mrs. Viola Dinsmore [stamped:] Jan 31 1936
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Clubwomen--California--Los Angeles
Dinsmore, Viola, b. 1893 or 94-1965
Lineman, Mab Copland
Jennings, Genevieve Greenman, 1896-1942
OpenUCLA Collections
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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