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Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. H. H. West's sister, Nella, speaks to their mother, Wilhelmina, while another woman stands behind them. Both women wear hats and hold bags. Mrs. West wears glasses and a short cape. The other woman wears a flat, straw hat. There are buildings in the background and pedestrians walk on the street. Signs on the buildings read, "dry goods," "island buffet," "bowling alley," "restaurant and oyster house." "market." There are mountains in the background. Text from negative sleeve: Catalina Island, About 1901. The Wests, Cooper and Daisy Conner [sic] go to Catalina for a visit. The pier and water front. Harry Hershey Cooper tips his hat. H. H. West taking a little nap on the barge. Nella A. West and Mrs George M. West having a little talk. An intruder turns to look at the cameraman. 4 negatives.
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1998_000265_002 ark:/21198/zz002hq20p
No linguistic content
West, Wilhelmina Lemberger, 1844-1927 West, Nella Adeline, 1874-1941
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