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Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. Photograph of the Southern Pacific Railroad depot at Crafton as viewed from the side. The front and right side of the building are shown with the depot extending into the distance at left. A sign atop the first floor roof on the front of the depot reads, "Crafton [... ?]." Train tracks from the lower right corner lead towards the depot where a train car sits on the tracks. A tall post stands in front of the building. A couple of people walk outside near the tracks. Text from negative sleeve: 378. Crafton, Calif. Sunday, April 23, 1899. The S.P.R.R. station at Crafton. A snake caught crawling across the road. A photo of Charles Rucher. 3 negatives.
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1998_000378_001 ark:/21198/zz002hq84n
No linguistic content
Railroad stations--California--Crafton Railroads--California--Crafton Southern Pacific Railroad Company
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