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/ Harry Schmitz and Wilfrid Cline, Jr. stand in their campsite, Siskiyou…

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Harry Schmitz and Wilfrid Cline, Jr. stand in their campsite, Siskiyou County, 1917
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A distant photograph, from left to right, of Harry Schmitz and Wilfrid Cline, Jr. standing in their camp which is set up among logs from an abandoned logging operation near the McCloud River. Harry Schmitz stands at left, in profile and facing right. He looks down to a pot sitting on the camp stove in front of him. Standing a few yards to the right, Wilfrid Cline stands to the left of a large log and to the right of the dining table. He looks to the camera. Cooking supplies and gear sit atop both the log to the left of Wilfred and on the table to the right of him. Another log lies on the ground and stretches behind Harry Schmitz. In the foreground, a car wheel peeks into the image along the lower left edge. A basket hangs from a stick propped upright between the camera and the camp, and to the right of and in front of Wilfrid Cline. Shrubs line the backside of the campsite. Tall pines stand in the background behind the shrubbery.
Text from negative sleeve: 1035. Trinity County trip, 1917. McCloud river camp. [handwritten: check mark] 1. Left to right: Harry Schmitz. Wilfrid Cline Jr. At our table. I had Wilfrid Cline Jr make his first pan cakes here this morning, and he is seen dishing them out. [handwritten: check mark] 2. Harry Schmitz at the stove and Wilfrid Cline Jr by the log. [handwritten: check mark] 3. Wilfrid Cline Jr standing by one of the several big abandoned logs. [handwritten: check mark] 4. Small film shows Wilfrid Cline Jr sitting by the table. [handwritten:] 5 our car bringing in some camp furniture Wilf Cline + Harry Schmi [sic] [end handwritten]. [handwritten:] 4 [end handwritten] large 1 small film

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Camping--California--Siskiyou County
Lumber industry--California--Siskiyou County
Outdoor cookery--California--Siskiyou County
Schmitz, Harry, 1875-1937
Cline, Wilfrid M
West (H. H.) Collection

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