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/ H. H. West's Buick and Dave F. Smith's EMF parked in front …

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H. H. West's Buick and Dave F. Smith's EMF parked in front of the Mono Mills general store, Mono Lake, 1913
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
August 1913
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph, from left to right, of Dave F. Smith's EMF and H. H. West's Buick parked outside the general store in Mono Mills. Either a dirt road or drive passes across the foreground. The store is a barn-like structure that stands along the right edge of the frame in the near distance. It is viewed at an angle from the side. Steps lead out-of-frame towards the right. H. H. West's Buick is parked in front of the left side of the building. The car is viewed from the front and faces towards the camera. Dave F. Smith's EMF is parked left-of-center. It is viewed at an angle from the side and faces right. A water trough stretches behind the rear of the EMF. Another building stands in the distance at center and a few pines stand next to it at left.
Text from negative sleeve: 1113. Smith West tour August 1913. Mono Mills. H.H.West's Buick over in rear near the store. Has tire trunk on side. Dave FLSmith's [sic] EMF at left. Dave is on the running board putting something in the tonneau. Other two men unknown. 1 film

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Inyo National Forest (Calif. and Nev.)
Automobiles--American--California--Mono Lake
General stores--California--Mono Lake
Rest stops--California--Mono Lake
West (H. H.) Collection

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