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/ Frances West and Elizabeth West feeding pigeons in the Plaza de Panama …

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Frances West and Elizabeth West feeding pigeons in the Plaza de Panama while Minnie West watches, San Diego, [about 1915]
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 1869-1924
Winslow, Carleton Monroe, 1876-1946
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa 1915]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
According to the negative sleeve for this set, these photographs are of the San Diego Fair, about 1912. The Sacramento Valley Building, viewed here was not built until 1915. It is likely that this image was taken around 1915. In 1915 and through 1916, San Diego hosted the Panama-California Exposition, for which many of the buildings in the photographs were built. The photographs most likely document this event.
Photograph of Minnie West (left) standing and watching her granddaughters, Frances (center) and Elizabeth West (right) feeding pigeons in the Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park. Minnie West stands at left, facing towards the camera and casting her gaze down to the ground. To her immediate right, Frances West kneels on the ground and holds her hand out to 2 pigeons in front of her. She faces towards the camera, but turns her head to the right. Elizabeth West crouches down to the right of Frances. She too holds out a hand to feed a pigeon on the ground in front of her. She looks down towards the bird. Behind Elizabeth and to her left, another girl crouches down with her back to the camera. In the distance at left, the Sacramento Valley Building (demolished in the 1920's) stands. Steps lead up to its facade behind Minnie West. Ornate columns flank its arcade. Trees line both the front of the building at right and the plaza. A pergola rises behind and above the trees in the distance at right.
Text from negative sleeve: 1149. San Diego Fair about 1912. A.B.Schmitz and family. H.H.West and family with Mrs George M West. Mrs Harry Schmitz. Frances Cline. 1. View of the pipe organ. 2. View of the fountain. 3. Left to right: Elizabeth West. Mrs George M. West. Frances Cline. Frances West. 4. Feeding the pigeons. L to R: Mrs George M. West. Frances West. Elizabeth West. 4 films

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Exhibition buildings--California--San Diego
Plazas--California--San Diego
Animal feeding--California--San Diego
Balboa Park (San Diego, Calif.)
Siemsen, Elizabeth West, 1903-1966
West, Wilhelmina Lemberger, 1844-1927
Wells, Frances Lucille West, b. 1906
Panama-California Exposition (1915 : San Diego, Calif.)
West (H. H.) Collection

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