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/ Elizabeth, Frances and Mary West and Kate, Chester and Irene Schmitz…

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Elizabeth, Frances and Mary West and Kate, Chester and Irene Schmitz posing around their camp dining table, Warner Springs vicinity, about 1915
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa 1915]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Per the caption from the negative sleeve, the order from left to right is: Frances West, Elizabeth West, Mrs. A. B. Schmitz (Kate), Mary A. West, Irene Schmitz and Chester Schmitz. This is incorrect. The order from left to right, is: Elizabeth West, Frances West, Mary A. West, Kate A. Schmitz, Chester Schmitz and Irene Schmitz.
A poorly lit group photograph, from left to right, of: Elizabeth West, Frances West, Mary A. West, Kate Schmitz, Chester Schmitz and Irene Schmitz gathered around their camp dining table near Oak Grove en route to Murietta from Warner Springs. The table stands at center in the near distance. All in the group look towards the camera, with the exception of Irene Schmitz, who looks down. Elizabeth West stands to the left of the table and holds up an object. Frances West stands to the right and slightly behind her. She holds a pillow under her arm. Mary A. West sits nearest the camera in front of the table. She faces towards the left but turns to look to the camera. Kate Schmitz sits on the far side of the table at center. At the right side of the table, Chester stands in front of the table and looks to the camera. Irene Schmitz stands behind and to the right of him. She focuses on something in her hands. A couple of camp stools sit in the foreground near Mary. Dining implements sit atop the table and on a trunk sitting on the ground at right. Behind and to the left of Elizabeth, the camp stove sits on the ground. A canopy or tent hovers behind the group at center. Trees are barely discernible in the background.
Text from negative sleeve: 1161. San Diego County tour about 1915. Big Oak grove between Warner and Murietta. 1. L to R: Frances West. Elizabeth West. Mrs A.B.Schmitz. Mary A West. Irene Schmitz. Chester Schmitz. 2. A pet monkey is chained to a tree. Some girl has it in her arms. Irene Schmitz at right looking at camera. 3. 4. Playing with the pet monkey. L to R: Frances West. Elizabeth West. Unknown girl. Irene Schmitz. Chester Schmitz. 4 films

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Camping--California--Warner Springs
Eating & drinking--California--Warner Springs
Siemsen, Elizabeth West, 1903-1966
Schmitz, Kate A. Gaver, 1871-1966
Wells, Frances Lucille West, b. 1906
Schmitz, Irene, b. 1908
Schmitz, Chester Smith, 1910-1977
Shepard, Mary Adelbert Teel West, 1883-1960
West (H. H.) Collection

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