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/ Will P. Mead, Mary A. West, Sena Mead and Paul Mead ford …

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Will P. Mead, Mary A. West, Sena Mead and Paul Mead ford a stream in their wagon, San Gabriel Canyon, about 1903
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa 1903]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph, from left to right, of Will P. Mead, Paul Mead, Sena Mead and Mary A. West riding in their wagon as they ford a stream in San Gabriel Canyon. The horse-drawn wagon fords a stream in the near distance at center. It is viewed from the side and faces left. Two horses pull the wagon at left and face the left. Behind them at right. Will P. Mead sits in the front of the wagon and appears to handle the horses' reins. Paul Mead sits on Sena Mead's lap behind and to the right of Will. Mary A. West sits in partial view behind and to the right of Sena. All face left. Rocks dot the stream that flows across the image and beneath the wagon in the mid-ground. Stretching across the foreground is a muddy bank strewn with rocks. Behind the wagon, the far bank is covered in small rocks. A cliffside rises from the bank and stretches across the background.
Text from negative sleeve: 1184. San Gabriel Canyon about 1903. Will Mead was living near Irwindale on a little ranch. Wrote me to come out and we would go up into San Gabriel Canyon for trout. 1. On our way in a spring wagon. L to R: Will P.Mead. Mary A West. Mrs Sena Mead and son Paul. 2. Same, further up the canyon. 3. Our camp a few miles up. 4. Our camp stove. 5. We cut a huge yucca for camp. L to R: Paul Mead. Mary A West. Sena Mead. 5 films

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Fords (Stream crossings)--California
Streams--California--San Gabriel Canyon
San Gabriel Canyon (Calif.)
Horses--California--San Gabriel Canyon
Carts & wagons--American--California--San Gabriel Canyon
Mead, Paul
Mead, William P., 1871-1906
Shepard, Mary Adelbert Teel West, 1883-1960
Mead, Sena
West (H. H.) Collection

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