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/ A fisherman mending his net on the wharf in San Pedro, Los …

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A fisherman mending his net on the wharf in San Pedro, Los Angeles, about 1898
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa 1898]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of a fisherman sitting on the wharf in San Pedro and mending his fishing net. The fisherman sits at center atop a crate and faces towards the right. He mends the netting which hangs from a railing to his right. A dog lies on the pier in front of him and to the left. The pier extends behind him from the lower left corner and up towards the center of the image. At far left a set of stairs rise from the pier and stretch beyond the frame. Water is visible just off the pier. On the opposite shore, houses stand in the distance and are reflected in the water.
Text from negative sleeve: 1199. San Pedro, California. About 1898. 1. The harbor of San Pedro, looking east from the S.P.R.R. depot at the end of the wharf at the foot of Fifth Street I think it was. The Salt Lake line depot across the channel. 2. A fisherman on the wharf mending his net. 3. A fisherman by the station mending his net. 4. The breakwater under construction. About half a mile done. 4 films

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Fishing nets--California--Los Angeles
Piers & wharves--California--Los Angeles
Fishermen--California--Los Angeles
Port of Los Angeles
West (H. H.) Collection

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