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/ Roy Forsythe, Joe Pike and others gather around to look at something, …

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Roy Forsythe, Joe Pike and others gather around to look at something, Santa Monica Canyon, about 1908
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
[circa 1908]
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
A blurry photograph of Roy Forsythe and Joe Pike standing with other Rubber Men's Picnic attendees as they gather around to look at something. Joe Pike stands at center and faces towards the camera. He wears a vest and casts his gaze downwards. Roy Forsythe stands second from left. He laughs while facing towards the right and looking in the same direction as Joe Pike. A man (partial view) stands along the left edge of the image with his back to the camera; he partially obscures Roy. Another man stands between and slightly behind Roy and Joe. Three other men stand huddled in the foreground at right. A man in a vest has his back to the camera. The man at right faces towards the left and a third man stands behind the two in front. Trees are visible in the distance behind the group of men.
Text from negative sleeve: 1241. Santa Monica Canyon, about 1908. Rubber Men's picnic. 1. Roy Garland drinking a mug of beer. He was floor manager for Chanslor and Lyon Motor Supply Company. 2. Joe Pike right in the center. Roy Forsythe with cap, is laughing. Cant [sic] identify the others. Poor film. 3. Four men, but only one I recognize is Game Warden Pritchard, third from left handing out a dish of barbecue. 4. At the barbecue pit. Pritchard at the left. Others not recognizable. 5. The Water Wagon. Dont [sic] know who is on i [sic] it. Woodill Bros ran a garage in the basement of the Pacific Electric bldg at Sixth and Main Streets, Los Angeles. 5 films

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Rubber Men's Picnic. Annual Outing (1908)
Pike, Joseph Lawrence, 1882-1943
Forsythe, Roy
West (H. H.) Collection

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