David Sparks, Charles Glenn and Jose Miller play with pipes outside their barracks while Harold Brown and Herman Schultz stand nearby (negative), Camp Murray, 1942
West, Henry Hebard, 1917-1998 West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. According to the negative sleeve, the order the men stand in is the reverse of what is captured in this image. It appears that when this negative was scanned, it was flipped and therefore depicts the mirror image of what is described in the caption. The photographic print copy captures the group in the correct arrangement (Item Ark: 21198/zz002j284j). Photograph, from left to right, of David Sparks, Charles Glenn, Jose Miller, Harold Brown and Herman Schultz standing outside their barracks while stationed at Camp Murray during World War II. A wide, gravel walkway extends through the image on an upward angle from the lower right corner and back to the left. At center, David Sparks, Charles Glenn and Jose Miller stand on the gravel walkway. David Sparks stands leftmost and holds up a short pipe with both hands. He faces slightly right. Slightly in front of him at center, Charles Glenn stands and looks to the camera while fending off Jose Miller to the right of him. Jose Miller stands to the right of Charles Glenn. His back is to camera as he faces Charles and holds up a pipe in one hand over Charles' head. Directly behind Jose, Harold Brown leans against the exterior side of a wood and canvas constructed barracks. He casts his gaze down at a small book he holds open in his hands. At far right, Herman Schultz stands in the doorway of the barracks and looks to the camera. Identical barracks extend back and line the right side of the walkway as it stretches into the distance. A serviceman walks along the walkway in the background at left. Text from negative sleeve: 2014. H.H.West, Jr. films sent down from Dutch Harbor June 1943. L to R: Herman Schultz. Harold Brown. Jose Miller. Charles Glenn. David Sparks. Taken at Camp Murray, Wash. by H.H.W.Jr April 22 1942
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1998_2014_001 ark:/21198/zz002j2831
No linguistic content
Barracks--American--Washington--Camp Murray Camp Murray (Wash.) Military personnel--American--Washington--Camp Murray Military life--American--Washington--Camp Murray Leisure--Washington--Camp Murray Glenn, Charles Schultz, Herman Miller, Jose Sanchez, 1920-1942 Sparks, David Brown, Harold
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