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/ Holmes advertisement posted along the roadside near Boulder Bay, Big Bear Lake, …

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Holmes advertisement posted along the roadside near Boulder Bay, Big Bear Lake, 1945
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
September 8-22, 1945
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of a Holmes advertisement posted on the roadside in the Boulder Bay area of Big Bear Lake. The wood-constructed sign stands at center and is viewed close-up at a slight angle. It is posted in front of a tall tree; the tree's trunk rises behind it and beyond the top edge. A vertical portion of the sign also extends above the top edge, it reads, "[...]LD." The sign at center reads, "in the Village HUNTING & FISHING Information RESORT GUIDE SEE HOLMES for HOMES." Below it and tacked to the tree trunk, a smaller notice reads, "LOT 68 X 102 $600. Terms. OWNER Phone Rugby 6·1691." A road stretches through the image on an upward angle from left to right behind the sign. Pines line both sides of the road as it extends into the distance.
Text from negative sleeve: 2140. Big Bear Lake. Stillwell's Camp. Sept.8 to 22, 1945. 1. Frances Wells' log cabin with cleaning plant in front. 2. Frances Wells' duplex with weeds in front. 3. Robert Tibbals and his scooter and bike business. 4. Holmes ad at Boulder Bay.

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Signs (Notices)
West (H. H.) Collection

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