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/ Dog kennels stand in a meadow along the roadside, Denali National Park …

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Dog kennels stand in a meadow along the roadside, Denali National Park and Preserve, 1946
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
August 17, 1946
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of the dog kennels in Denali National Park and Preserve standing in a meadow. The tall grasses of the meadow stretch across the foreground. In the near distance, several dog houses stand in a couple of rows among the tall grasses. They are built of logs and are viewed at an angle from the front and the side. The 2 rows stretch across the image on a slightly upward angle to the right. The meadow's grasses grow between the large gaps between the kennels and expand into the the distance where the slope of a hill rises. Some white streaks and lens flare obscure a large portion of the image in the upper left corner.
Text from negative sleeve: 2170. Alaska Trip. Camp Eilsen [sic] trip August 17, 1946. 1. The mess hall at Camp Eilsen [sic] 2. Summit. Note tripod telephone poles 3. Vegetation - maybe bear or porky 4. Mess Hall at Eilsen [sic]. Manager at door Mertie West going in Barbara Beaver at left 5. Mertie West at Igloo creek 6. Cabins at Eilsen [sic] Snow. 7. Dog kennels alongside road 8. H.H.West at the dog kennels 9. Typical tree growth Spruce

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Kennels--Alaska--Denali National Park and Preserve
Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska)
West (H. H.) Collection

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