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/ Mertie stands on a dock and fiddles with a camera, Valdez, 1946

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Mertie stands on a dock and fiddles with a camera, Valdez, 1946
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
August 9, 1946
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of Mertie West standing on a dock in Valdez and toying with a camera she holds. Mertie West stands in the foreground, left-of-center. She faces towards the right and looks down towards a camera she holds in her hands. Behind her, the pier stretches across the image on an upward angle from right to left. A man walks along the pier, behind Mertie, at center. Adjoining, garage-like buildings line the right side of the pier. The building is viewed at an angle from the front, facing left. A sign spans the front of the 2 buildings. It reads, from left to right, "CENTER OF THE Prince William Sound Gold and Copper Belt," "VALDEZ TERMINUS OF A GREAT SCENIC ROAD THE RICHARDSON HIGHWAY," and "SHORT ROUTE TO Interior Alaska Chitina-Fairbanks-Circle." A garage door stands below the sign on the right side of the building. To the right of the door, a person sits on the ground. A dozen or more barrels are loosely lined up in front of the building, extending towards the left, behind Mertie and out-of-frame at left. Mountains are visible in the far distance. Some twisted streaks of white occupy the upper left corner and lens flare appears to radiate from it towards the center of the image.
Text from negative sleeve: 2197. Alaska Trip. Valdez Aug.9, 1946. 1. L to R Mrs Jones Mertie West H H West Honor Kempton 2. L to R Honor Kempton Ray Wolfe Mrs H H West 3. Mr and Mrs Robert Jones 4. L to R Robt Jones, Ray Wolfe 5. Assistant Purser 6. Mertie West on the dock 7. Looking toward dock from up town 8. L to R Unknown man Mr and Mrs Jones

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Signs (Notices)
Piers & wharves--Alaska--Valdez
West, Mertie Whitaker, 1875-1972
West (H. H.) Collection

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