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/ Forrest Whitaker tinkers with a piece of equipment while Ann West…

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Forrest Whitaker tinkers with a piece of equipment while Ann West watches, Big Bear Lake, 1946
West, H. H. (Henry Hebard), 1872-1958
Date Created and/or Issued
October 20, 1946
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
West (H. H.) Collection
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph of Forrest Whitaker (center) tinkering with equipment while Ann West (left) watches and Hebard West (right) stands in the background. A dock stretches back from the bottom edge at left and towards a shack. It widens as it wraps around the shack. Rowboats are moored to the dock at right and left. About halfway down the dock, left-of-center, Ann West and Forrest Whitaker stand. Forrest stands nearest to camera as he fiddles with a piece of equipment to the left of him. Ann stands behind the equipment and watches. Behind them, a small hut of corrugated metal construction stands, left-of-center. It is viewed from the front. A large door stands at left and a smaller door at right. Over the smaller door, it reads, "LAKESHORE." To the right of the hut, Hebard West walks past the hut and away from camera. Big Bear Lake stretches across the background. Mountains rise from the opposite shore in the far distance.
Text from negative sleeve: 2229. Big Bear Lake Calif. Oct.20, 1946 1. Ann West Hebard West and Forrest Whitaker loading the boat 2. L to R Hebard West, Forrest Whitaker Ann West Propr of landing pouring gasoline 3. Ann West Forrest Whitaker Hebard West at landing

b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Piers & wharves--California--Big Bear Lake
Big Bear Lake (San Bernardino County, Calif. : Lake)
Boats--American--California--Big Bear Lake
Huts--California--Big Bear Lake
West, Henry Hebard, 1917-1998
Whitaker, Forrest, 1877-1972
West, Anna Louise Roth, 1914-1978
West (H. H.) Collection

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