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Image / Ebba Rankin, Mrs. Lawrence Grant, and Eleanor Floercky of the…

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Ebba Rankin, Mrs. Lawrence Grant, and Eleanor Floercky of the Writers' Club, Hollywood, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
[January 26, 1926?]
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Ebba Rankin, Mrs. Lawrence Grant, and Eleanor M. Floercky sit at a square table covered in a checked tablecloth. Four place settings are set. Rankin and Grant hold cups of coffee or tea, while Floercky holds a cigarette in her left hand. All three women wear hats and Grant wears a fur stole. A window and a brick wall are behind them.
On January 26, 1936, the Writers' Club held a supper and variety show where the three women were on the hostess committee, among others.
Possibly related to "Gala Gambol Planned by Writers' Club," Los Angeles Times, 26 Jan 1936: D6.
Text on negative sleeve: [handwritten:] 4716 [typed:] Writers Club; Ebba Rankin, Mmes. Lawrence Grant, Herbert Floercky [stamped:] Apr 12 193[6?]
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Clubwomen--California--Los Angeles
Women--Clothing & dress--California--Los Angeles--1930-1940
Writers' Club (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Rankin, Ebba Maria
Floercky, Eleanor (Eleanor Louise Milham), 1890-1955
Grant, Lawrence, Mrs
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection
OpenUCLA Collections

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