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Image / Sisters Kathleen and Renata Titus at the beach with Navy ensigns…

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Sisters Kathleen and Renata Titus at the beach with Navy ensigns Walter Combs Jr. and Charles Eisenbach, Newport Beach, 1936
Date Created and/or Issued
July 14, 1936
Publication Information
Los Angeles Times
Contributing Institution
UCLA, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives
Rights Information
UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds.
Photograph appears with the headline, "They're Having A Happy Time On This Ride," Los Angeles Times, 14 July 1936: A6.
The girls sit with their legs dangling over the beach chair, Renata with a small dog under her arm, while each of the boys holds a leg of the chair.
Text from negative sleeve: 6015 - Kathleen Titus Renata Titus Ensign W. Vincent Combs, Jr. (Back) " Charles Eisenbach society (@Balboa?) [stamped:] Jul 14 1936
Text from newspaper caption: It was a pleasant occasion when Miss Kathleen Titus, left, and her sister Renata were given a ride in this beach seat by Ensigns W. Vincent Combs, Jr., and Charles Eisenbach at the Balboa summer home of the Tituses. The two ensigns were graduated from the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis this month.
b&w nitrate negative
No linguistic content
Beaches--California--Newport Beach
Lounge chairs
Sisters--American--California--Newport Beach
Bathing suits
Dogs--California--Newoprt Beach
Combs, Walter Vincent Jr., 1914-2001
Titus, Kathleen, b. 1917 or 18
Eisenbach, Charles, 1914-2005
Titus, Renata, b. 1921 or 22
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection

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