US UCLA Library Special Collections, A1713 Charles E. Young Research Library, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575. Email: Phone: (310) 825-4988
Access to this collection is generously supported by Arcadia funds. Hayden is slightly blurry in the photograph, as if caught in mid-movement. This photograph was taken on the same occasion as image 15048. A similar photograph appear in "Death Claims Charles Hayden," Los Angeles Times, 18 Sep 1943: 6. C. F. Hayden sits at his desk, looking down. He is leaning slightly forward, resting his left hand on his thigh, right hand holding a fountain pen. A candlestick phone is one his desk, along with an ink pot, a desk pad, and papers. Postmarked letters can be seen in the desk cubbies. A wire basket inbox is on top of the top desk shelf. Hayden wears a three piece suit and round glasses. Text from negative sleeve: 26142. C F Hayden. 1-8x10 each. negs + prints to Jheeny Th. (Library). (Charles F. Hayden former Times editor). [Stamped:] APR 27 1942 Handwritten on negative: C F Hayden 15 Phone number on phone label: Pico 700 Sta.63
b&w nitrate negative
uclamss_1429_15050 ark:/21198/zz002j8rhp
Newspaper editors--American--California--Los Angeles Los Angeles Times (Firm) Employees Hayden, C. F. (Charles Fred), 1871-1943
Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection OpenUCLA Collections
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