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Image / Bolles (John) Residence, Ross, CA, 1945

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Bolles (John) Residence, Ross, CA, 1945
Eckbo, Garrett, Landscape Architect
Eckbo, Garrett, Landscape Architect
Bolles, John, Client
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Environmental Design Archives, 230 Wurster Hall #1820 , University of California , Berkeley, California 94720-1820
Published in: Ross, Calif
Contributing Institution
UC Berkeley, Environmental Design Archives
Eckbo (Garrett) Collection, 1933-1996
Rights Information
Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
University of California Regents
All requests for permission to publish, reproduce, or quote from materials in the collection should be discussed with the Curator.
230 Wurster Hall #1820 , University of California , Berkeley, California 94720-1820
Eckbo wrote mini-descriptions of a number of his projects, which he anticipated publishing in later books. Of the Bolles garden, he wrote: "Typical problem of the compact boxy house set up 18 inches and more above a flat lot falling away somewhat to the rear. Connection with the garden solved by building up L-shaped terrace connecting house with shelter at side of car shelter, with broad steps leading down to main garden. Curved screens and rows of pipe columns with trellis establish structural extension of house into garden, and spatial organization of garden, open lawn, wading pool, badminton court and play yard are established by these elements." John Bolles designed this, his own residence
3 folders, 1 flat file, negatives, slides
Landscape architecture drawings
Landscape architects--California
Landscape architecture--California
Ross (Calif.)

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