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Text / "Towards a Proper Quantum Theory," annotated article from…

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"Towards a Proper Quantum Theory," annotated article from Dialectica 30 (2/3), 1976
Levy-Leblond, J. M.
Everett, Hugh, annotator
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
UC Irvine, Libraries, Special Collections
Hugh Everett III Manuscripts
Rights Information
This material is provided for private study, scholarship, or research. Transmission or reproduction of any material protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. The authors or their heirs retain their copyrights to the material. Unless otherwise indicated, the original files were donated to the American Institute of Physics ( For permission to publish, contact Jeffrey A. Barrett, representative for the Everett estate,
Scope/Content: In 1976, a conference called "Fifty Years of Quantum Mechanics" was held at the University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg. It was attended by more than a dozen physicists, including a young French scientist, Jean Marc Levy-Leblond. Wheeler's presentation was called, `"Include the Observer in the Wave Function?'' Wheeler had a history of vacillating on Everett's theory, but now, 20 years after he had endorsed it in Reviews of Modern Physics, he rejected Everett's inclusion of the observer in the wave function, essentially upholding the Copenhagen interpretation. In 1977, Jean Marc Levy-Leblond wrote a letter to Everett, including a copy of a paper he had presented at the conference that compared DeWitt's and Everett's views. Everett responded by agreeing with Levy-Leblond's analysis of the differences between the two views. Everett especially liked the short spoof of foundational writing in physics (on "zipperdynamics'') that LeBlond had tacked onto the end of his paper. This document is the published version of Levy-Leblond's paper, which appeared in the journal Dialectica 30 (2/3) in 1976.
Scope/Content: This document is a photocopy of the Levy-Leblond, J. M. "Toward a Proper Quantum Theory." Dialectica 30 (2/3), 1976.
Everett, Hugh III
Levy-Leblond, J. M.
DeWitt, Bryce S.
Hugh Everett III Correspondence

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