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Text / Capture and Transport of Lower Columbia River Fall Chinook Salmon

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Capture and Transport of Lower Columbia River Fall Chinook Salmon
Rod Engle, Joseph Skalicky and William Brignon
Date Created and/or Issued
2011 March 15
Contributing Institution
UC Riverside, Library, Water Resources Collections and Archives
Clearinghouse for Dam Removal Information (CDRI)
Rights Information
Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Scope/Content: Abstract: Introduction and Background The White Salmon Working Group (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - USFWS, Yakama Indian Nation-YIN, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife-WDFW, National Marine Fisheries Service-NMFS, U.S. Forest Service-USFS, PacifiCorp and U.S. Geological Survey-USGS) has been meeting since late 2006 to determine the actions needed to restore fish populations in the White Salmon River after Condit Dam removal. An important component of this restoration effort was to identify the roles and responsibilities of the various parties of the Working Group. Based on the results of these meetings, in addition to current information and data collected annually by several agencies within the Working Group, a consensus decision was made to outplant adult fall Chinook salmon upstream of Condit Dam during the year of dam removal. This option was chosen in lieu of adult collection and subsequent propagation previously required in the National Marine Fisheries Service 2006 Biological Opinion (NMFS 2006). In fall 2008 and 2009, two studies were conducted in the White Salmon River related to this decision. These studies identified and evaluated the efficacy of the preferred methods that will be implemented in the year of dam removal (Engle and Skalicky 2009, Engle et al. 2010). Capturing adult LCR fall Chinook salmon in the lower White Salmon River and transporting them upstream of Condit Dam is the preferred conservation measure. The purpose is to mitigate for the impacts of sediment released downstream on the spawning population of Endangered Species Act-Listed (ESA-Listed) Lower Columbia River (LCR) fall Chinook salmon by enabling a portion of the population to spawn naturally above the dam in historically occupied habitat. The goal is to mitigate for the brood year impacts (i.e., sedimentation, redd scour, shear flows, etc) on LCR fall Chinook salmon spawning grounds below Condit Dam during the year of removal. To accomplish this a minimum of 500 LCR fall Chinook salmon will be captured, transported, and released upstream of Condit Dam prior to removal. In 2008, the White Salmon Working Group established 500 LCR fall Chinook salmon as a reasonable goal for seeding the available spawning habitat in the White Salmon River. This project is a cooperative effort between the members of the White Salmon Working Group for collection and transportation of adult LCR fall Chinook salmon during the year of Condit Dam removal and includes standard hatchery and fish research protocols for those actions. The actions outlined within this plan address the Reasonable and Prudent Measures, Terms and Conditions #2 in the NMFS (2006) Biological Opinion, "Minimize direct take of listed species during adult salvage operation by following standard hatchery protocols for collecting, holding, and spawning brood stock". The actions outlined within also address the Reasonable and Prudent Measures, Terms and Conditions #5 in the USFWS (2002) Biological Option, "Develop and implement a bull trout protection plan, in consultation with the Service, that addresses handling and relocation protocols in the event bull trout are trapped and collected during the fish salvage efforts."
Scope/Content: Dam type: gravity
Scope/Content: Date constructed: 1913. Date removed: 2011.
Ecology and river restoration
Fisheries and fish passage
Pre- and post-project monitoring
Dam retirement
White Salmon River, WA
Condit Dam

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