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Image / [Interior views of Belasco Theatre, 1050 South Hill Street, Los…

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[Interior views of Belasco Theatre, 1050 South Hill Street, Los Angeles] (16 views)
Morgan, Walls & Clements
Mott Studios
Date Created and/or Issued
Publication Information
Los Angeles, Calif. : Mott Studios
Contributing Institution
California State Library
California History Section Picture Catalog
Rights Information
Please contact the contributing institution for more information regarding the copyright status of this object.
Interior views of Belasco Theatre. Architect: Morgan, Walls, and Clements. Mott no. 223 refers to Belasco Theatre.
File proof no.: K-2-D.
1992-2679 (223-1). General view of stage. Detail view of mural on the stage curtain. Ceiling and proscenium feature baroque style architecture and ornament -- 1992-2680 (223-2). North end of stage, from balcony. Walls and ceilings feature baroque and gothic style architecture -- 1992-2681 (223-3). Proscenium, ceiling, and walls feature gothic and baroque style architecture. Decorative mural over stage depicts villagers in the streets -- 1992-2682 (223-3). Same view -- 1992-2683 (223-3). Same view -- 1992-2684 (223-4). Detail of south end stage. Decorative arch with gothic and baroque style ornament frames large mural over stage curtain -- 1992-2685 (223-4). Same view -- 1992-2686 (223-6). North window detail. Ceiling and wall feature gothic and baroque style architecture -- 1992-2687 (223-6). Same view -- 1992-2688 (223-7). General view beneath balcony. Rear wall and balcony ceiling feature gothic and baroque style architecture and ornament -- 1992-2689 (223-7). Same view --
1992-2690 (223-8). Wood panel detail under balcony. Rear wall and balcony ceiling feature gothic and baroque style architecture and ornament -- 1992-2691 (223-9). Close-up of wood panel under balcony. Wall features decorative wood panels with gothic style carving which matches design on seat fabric -- 1992-2692 (223-9). Same view -- 1992-2693 (223-9). Same view -- 1992-2694 (223-10). Entrance detail, balcony. Corridor features drinking fountain and wall decoration in gothic style design.
Nonprojected graphic
16 photographic prints ; 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. and 9 1/8 x 7 1/4 in. or smaller.
Theaters--California--Los Angeles
Stages (Platforms)
Theater curtains
Ceilings--California--Los Angeles
Paneling--California--Los Angeles
Drinking fountains--California--Los Angeles
Los Angeles (Calif.)--Photographs
Photographic prints
Los Angeles
Los Angeles (Calif.)

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