This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Made accessible through a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation and Photo Friends.
Photograph caption dated April 20, 1964 reads, "Dancing to music of Ivan Scott and his orchestra are Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lathrop, Encino..." The article partially reads, "Parasols decorated with pink and red blossoms adorned tables in the Starlight room at Sportmen's Lodge, Studio City, for the annual benefit ball of the San Fernando Valley Kidney Foundation. Guests were greeted by Mmes. Thomas Haykin, president; Morris Sorowitz, event chairman, and Bruce Wippert, Kenneth Rothman and Eddie Epstein, members of the executive board. Special guests were Jill Schroeder, Newhall, 1964 poster girl; her mother, Mrs. Dan Schroeder; Norman M. Sanoff, Southern California Chapter president; Wilbur Stein, the chapter's administrative director, and his assistant, Mrs. Jean Gordon. Actor Alvy Moore was master of ceremonies. Proceeds will be used to support the patient aid, drug bank, professional and public education programs and research projects."; See images #00125884 through #00125888 for all photos in this series.
1 photographic print :b&w ;26 x 21 cm. Photographic prints
San Fernando Valley Kidney Foundation San Fernando Valley Kidney Foundation--Presidents Sportsmen's Lodge (Los Angeles, Calif.) Associations, institutions, etc.--California--Los Angeles Balls (Parties)--California--Los Angeles Fund raising--California--Los Angeles Fund raisers (Persons)--California--Los Angeles Couples--California--Los Angeles Women--California--Los Angeles Men--California--Los Angeles Ballroom dancing--California--Los Angeles Studio City (Los Angeles, Calif.) Valley Times Collection photographs
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