Nr. 17 – Dansk Santalmissions volontører gør et stort arbejde blandt vestlige unge i Østen. Men religionsmøde mellem kristendom, de østlige religioner og nyreligiøsitet skal begynde hjemme i Danmark, hvor de unge bor og lever, inden de tager på den store rejse i Østen. De må forberedes på de religiøse påvirkninger, de bliver udsat for i Østen. Denne udfordring bør tages op af kirkens børne- og ungdomsorganisationer, af skoler og derhjemme.- Det er de allerbedste unge, der søger efter sandheden i Østen. Det er dem, som skulle bære kirken videre, der nu sidder i Østen og mediterer – og fjerner sig fra kristendommen. (Foto fra et buddhist kursus i Kathmandu, Nepal, 1986) The volunteers of Danish Santal Mission are doing a great job among young Westerners in the Eas
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
The volunteers of Danish Santal Mission are doing a great job among young Westerners in the East. However, religious dialogue between Christianity, Eastern religions and New Age should start in Denmark, meeting the young people at home – ahead of the great travel to the East. They should be prepared to meet the religious influences of the East. This challenge must be addressed by the church related children and youth ministries, in schools and at home, as well. Only the very best young people are searching the for the Truth in the East. And these young people, who should lead the church forward, are sitting in the East, meditating and moving away from Christianity. (Photo from a Buddhist course in Kathmandu, Nepal, 1986).
Danish Santal Mission Danmission Dansk Santalmission DIASSERIE3 Nepal Kathmandu Vestens Unge i Østen Western Youth in the East Buddhisme Buddhism Religionsmøde Religious Dialogue Religionsdialog Projekt Vestens Unge i Østen Project Western Youth to the East Kirke Mission Church Mission Børne- og ungdomsarbejde Children & Youth ministry Volunteers Volontører
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