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Image / Otto Klemperer

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Otto Klemperer
Alternative Title
Security Pacific National Bank Photo Collection
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
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Portrait of German-born conductor/composer Otto Klemperer (1885-1973). Born in what is now considered Poland, Klemperer became a U.S. citizen in 1937 and an Israeli citizen in 1970. He was the father of Hogan's Heroes actor Werner Klemperer and cousin to Victor Klemperer. In 1933, when the Nazi Party rose to power, Klemperer, who was Jewish, fled and moved to the U.S. He then became the conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and began to focus more on the works of the principal German composers, particularly Beethoven, Brahms and Mahler. He died in Zurich and was buried at Israelitischer Friedhof-Oberer Friesenberg there.
1 photograph :b&w
Photographic prints
Security Pacific National Bank Collection
Music-Personalities-Klemperer, Otto.
Klemperer, Otto,--1885-1973
Conductors (Music)--California--Los Angeles

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