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Text / Sweetwater Scrapbook, Aug, Sept, Oct 1998

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Sweetwater Scrapbook, Aug, Sept, Oct 1998
Contributing Institution
Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley History Online
Rights Information
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In front flap: thank you card to Patterson and Taylor, copy of SF Chronicle date book, letter from prospective purchaser for Sweetwater with resume, printed list of backups showing web page list. Inside - Sweetwater entertainment calendards, clippings, handwritten notes/phone messages, staff assignment lists. Comp drink tickets. Resignation/goodbye letter from Dixie, and more letters about staff members resigning after Patterson's son started to work there. Three pages of photographs of floral arrangements and people, letter to "David" about Dixie and other staff members quitting at short notice and about selling Sweetwater, postcards, photographs of Jorma Kaukonen and others at Woodstock Ruinion Benefit and accompanying letter, Milley awards program and invitation, page near back with 4 color photos, of Patterson and others in/outside Sweetwater, set list for Fool's Progress, articles about Ramblin' Jack Elliot. Back Flap - Press Democrat with article about Sweetwater, sections of other newspapers; folder labeled 10-9-8-7-6 containing two letters - one to Meyer sound systems thanking them for offer of new system and expressing wish to sell Sweetwater, and one to landlady about the issue of selling the club.
Bohlke, Dixie
Sweetwater Music Hall

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