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Image / Brown Derby, Wilshire Boulevard

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Brown Derby, Wilshire Boulevard
Alternative Title
Works Progress Administration Photo Collection
Date Created and/or Issued
Circa 1934
Publication Information
Federal Writers' Project
Contributing Institution
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
Rights Information
Images available for reproduction and use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information.
The first Brown Derby Restaurant, built in 1926 and generally referred to as the "Wilshire Brown Derby." Designed in part by J.R. Davidson, the "derby" measured 28 feet in diameter and 17 1/2 feet in height; this was the only one of the four restaurant buildings that resembled a bowler hat. First it was located at 3427 Wilshire Boulevard, across the street from the Ambassador Hotel, but was later moved one block over to 3347 Wilshire Boulevard. In 1975, it was closed and sold. After the restaurant was demolished in 1980, the shell of the hat-shaped dome was restored and incorporated into the design of the Brown Derby Plaza, a strip mall at 3377 Wilshire Boulevard.
The Brown Derby Restaurant on Wilshire Blvd. at Alexandria Ave., with its sign "Eat in the Hat" above.
1 photographic print :b&w
Photographic prints
Works Progress Administration Collection
WPA 2146 4x5
Brown Derby Restaurant (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Restaurants--California--Los Angeles
Streets--California--Los Angeles
Sidewalks--California--Los Angeles
Wilshire Lanterns
Lost architecture--California--Los Angeles
Wilshire Boulevard (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Alexandria Avenue (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Works Progress Administration Collection photographs

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