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This color, silent, film was produced by the Sacramento Bee and KFBK radio to document and promote victory gardens during World War II. The first reel shows the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Victory Gardners, one of the estimated 30,000 such gardens in the county. The second reel shows the harvest and Victory Garden Harvest Festival at Memorial Audiorium. Filmmaker Robert Handsaker captures family and community gardens, a family eating a dinner from their garden, the victory garden committee planning the annual festival, the judging of the best produce, and the large crowd in attendance.
Victory Gardens War Relief Efforts Homesteading--California
Time Period
Sacramento County (Calif.) Sacramento (Calif.)
Center for Sacramento History California Revealed is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
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