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Text / Homer "Tod" Sanborn collection, 1903-1919

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Homer "Tod" Sanborn collection, 1903-1919
Contributing Institution
California State Library
California History Section Picture Catalog
Rights Information
Unrestricted. Please credit California State Library.
Homer Chellis Sanborn was born in Lemoore, California on November 5, 1882. He played drums with the Merced Concert Band as teenager, and by his early twenties played with bands in Sacramento. Homer learned to play the xylophone and saxophone, adopted the stage name "Tod," and worked as a musician in Sacramento, Denver, and San Francisco. He traveled a lot as well (often combined with his profession), visiting Honolulu, Yokohama, Shanghai (where he lived for awhile), and Manila. He also led a band that played on the Dollar Line ships. Homer Sanborn passed away in San Francisco on February 20, 1951.
Photographs of musicians, sheet music, and musical instruments.
Sanborn, Tod.
Unrestricted. Please credit California State Library.
California State Library, California History Room
8 archival boxes ; 15 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 10 1/2 in.
Sanborn, Homer
Musicians--California--San Francisco
Musical instruments
Sheet music
San Francisco

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