Erika Løwe (1897-1975). Sent by Danish Santal Mission to North India, 1924-55. Working places: Erika Løwe (1897-1975). Udsendt af Dansk Santalmission til Nordindien, 1924-55. Arbejdssteder: Koroya, Eklakhi - var i en periode leder af pigeskolen her, Haraputa, Dumka
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Erika Løwe (1897-1975). Sent by Danish Santal Mission to North India, 1924-55. Working places: Koroya, Eklakhi - a period as principal of the girl's school, Haraputa, Dumka.
Danish Santal Mission Danmission Dansk Santalmission FOLDER119 Portrætter Portraits Missionaries Missionærer Erika Løwe Church Mission Kirke Mission Koroya Eklakhi Haraputa Dumka Santalkirken The Santal Church NELC Northern Evg. Lutheran Church Skole Uddannelse School Education Indien Nord India North
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