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Image / South 1st Street, facing north

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South 1st Street, facing north
Gordon, John C. (photographer) (Creator)
Contributing Institution
San José State University, Special Collections and Archives
John C. Gordon Photographic Collection
Rights Information
For more information on copyright or permissions for this image, please contact San Jose State University Special Collections & Archives Department.
The American Trust Company building (on left) stood at the corner of West San Fernando and South 1st Street, San Jose, California. Down 1st Street stands The Bank of Italy building (the bank was renamed Bank of America in 1930) which was the tallest building between San Francisco and Los Angeles from 1926-1970.
The Bank of Italy building was built in 1926. "Sherman Clay & Co.: pianos, victrolas." Sherman Clay & Co. was established in 1870, and today claims it is "America's oldest and largest piano chain." It was founded in 1870 by Leander Sherman in San Francisco. In 1871 Sherman partnered with F.A. Hyde and the business was known as Sherman and Hyde. In 1876, C.C. Clay purchased Hyde's interest and the business was thereafter named Sherman Clay. The San Jose store opened in 1906. (Source: company website: ; Bloom's; American Trust Company (sign) ; "6% guaranty pays;" 6% Guaranty Bldg & Loan Assn ; Behind this sign: "[Ci]ga[r] values: H. [?] Berg[c?]ovich Cigar Co.: cigar values." JC Penny Co. ; Meads Coffee Shop.
Image dating: The Bank of Italy building was built in 1926. "Sherman Clay & Co.: pianos, victrolas." Sherman Clay & Co. was established in 1870, and today claims it is "America's oldest and largest piano chain." It was founded in 1870 by Leander Sherman in San Francisco. In 1871 Sherman partnered with F.A. Hyde and the business was known as Sherman and Hyde. In 1876, C.C. Clay purchased Hyde's interest and the business was thereafter named Sherman Clay. The San Jose store opened in 1906. (Source: company website: ; Bloom's; American Trust Company (sign) ; "6% guaranty pays;" 6% Guaranty Bldg & Loan Assn ; Behind this sign: "[Ci]ga[r] values: H. [?] Berg[c?]ovich Cigar Co.: cigar values." JC Penny Co. ; Meads Coffee Shop ;
Scanned with Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL Pro; as a 600 dpi TIFF image in 8-bit Grayscale. Auto Level image processing applied and compressed into JPG format using Photoshop CS3.
filename: jcg_american_trust_002
oclc: 694067137
islandora: 78_1381
Cities & towns
Commercial streets
Signs (Notices)
Stores & shops
Traffic signs & signals
San Jose

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