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Image / [Finger painting and spater painting at Denman-San Miguel Vacation School, presently known …

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[Finger painting and spater painting at Denman-San Miguel Vacation School, presently known as James Denman Junior High School]
San Francisco Unified School District
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
San Francisco Public Library
San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection
Rights Information
Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library:
Permission to use this image must be obtained from the San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library:
Caption: "FINGER PAINTING AND SPATTER PAINTING--The girl at the left is illustrating the use of finger paints, in which process the paint is applied by hand and designs are drawn, using only the fingers and palms. Highly decorative book covers are produced in this way. The boy and girl, standing, are spatter painting. In this process, a cut-out of a design is placed on a sheet of paper, which is then sprayed, or spattered, by rubbing a stick or pencil across the bristles of an old toothbrush which has been dipped in paint. When the cut-out is removed, pictures, such as the three in the upper right-hand corner, are the result.
1 photographic print attached on a page of a book:
Schools--Middle--Denman, James
Schools--Elementary--San Miguel
Schools--Secondary--Denman Jr. High
San Francisco (Calif.)--Photographs

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