Jens Hebsgaard, b. 1940. Married to Ebba Kathrine Skjødt, 1964. Sent by Danish Sudan Mission to Jens Hebsgaard, f. 1940. Gift med Ebba Kathrine Skjødt, 1964. Udsendt af Dansk Sudan Mission til Nigeria, 1962-72. Opgaver: Litteraturarbejde i Numan,1962-66. Leder af kirkens boghandel og publikationsprogram, Yola,1966-72. Merkonomuddannelse i regnskabsvæsen, organisation og personaleledelse, 1973-77. Genudsendt til Nigeria, som konsulent for Den Lutherske Kirke, 1978-80, og Leder af Oxford University Press, Kano, 1980-82. Boghandler i Marstal, Ærø, 1983-88. Udsendt af Folkekirkens Nødhjælp/associeret DMS missionær til Tanzania, 1988-94. Arbejdsområder: Tanzanias Kristne Råd, Dodoma : Underviser i regnskabsføring, 1988-91, og intern revisor i CCT, 1991-94. Konsulent for FKN, 1994. Regnskabskonsulent for Brødremenigheden, Tabora, 1994. Ansat af Dansk Missionsråd/DMS som konsulent ved Økonomikontoret, ELCTs Centralkontor, Arusha, 1995-97. Koordinator af FKN/DMS AIDS-kontrol program i Kagera region, 1997-98
CC Attribution (CC BY). Må bruges med kildeangivelse: Danmission Photo Archive / Should be used with source reference: Danmission Photo Archive. Danmission Strandagervej 24, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark USC does not control copyright for these images. For usage permission, contact the Danmission. Information is available at
Jens Hebsgaard, b. 1940. Married to Ebba Kathrine Skjødt, 1964. Sent by Danish Sudan Mission to Nigeria, 1962-72. Working areas: Litterature work in Numan, 1962-66. Leader of the Church Bookstore and Publication Program, Yola, 1966-72. Bcom in Accounting, Organization and Personal Management, 1973-77. Re-sent to Nigeria, as consultant for the Lutheran Church, 1978-80, and manager of the Oxford University Press, Kano, 1980-82. Bookseller in Marstal, 1983-88. Sent by DanChurchAid/associated DMS missionary to Tanzania, 1988-94. Working areas: Christian Council Tanzania/CCT, Dodoma: Accountant teacher, 1988-91 and Internal Auditor of CCT, 1991-94. Consultant of DanChurchAid, 1994. Accounting consultant of the Moravian Church, Tabora, 1994. Employed by Danish Mission Council and DMS, as Consultant at the Finance Department of ELCT's Central Office in Arusha, 1995-97. Coordinator of the DanChurchAid/DMS AIDS-control program in Kagera Region, 1997-98.
Danmission Tanzania FOLDER038 Jens Hebsgaard Ebba Kathrine Hebsgaard Missionærer Missionaries Det Danske Missionsselskab Danish Missionary Society DMS Den Evg. Lutherske Kirke - ELCT Evg. Lutheran Church - ELCT Dodoma Tanzanias Kristne Råd Christian Council Tanzania - CCT Tabora Brødremenigheden Moravian Church Arusha AIDS-control program AIDS-kontrol program Dansk Sudanmission Danish Sudan Mission Numan Yola Oxford University Press Kano PR aktiviteter PR activities Folkekirkens Nødhjælp - FKN DanChurchAid Dansk Missionsråd Danish Mission Council Ledelse Administration Management Administration Portrætter Portraits
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