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"Among the hills, India". Exterior view showing Mr Hutchison and Mr Carter sitting behind a camping table with equipment lying around them. An Indian worker builds a fire and all of them are at the entrance to a large cave. ❧ Dr Hutchison took over the running of the Chamba district, in 1873, from William Ferguson (1821-1904) and remained there until his death in 1936. Medico-evangelistic work was undertaken amongst the Himalayan slopes and the missionary parties would endure extreme conditions to spread the Christian gospels. Dr Hutchison worked tirelessly amongst lepers and was awarded the Kaisar-i-Hind medal when he retired. He also aided Sir Aurel Stein (1862-1943) in his research in the Punjab and Kashmir. Chamba was an independent princely state and came under British influence in 1848. It now forms part of Himachal Pradesh.
Camping Health care Medical personnel Carter, Gillmore T., missionary worker, Chamba, fl.1906 Hutchison, John, medical missionary, Chamba, 1848-1936 Mountains
Time Period
circa 1906
Asia Himachal Pradesh India
Acc.7548/F/7 [Reference number] NLS DOD ID: 75646999 [File]
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